I just started using eric4 and is having problem with enabling the<br>autocompletion function in eric4, I cant seem to enable it although i<br>have tick it in the preference tab. What seems to be the problem ? <br><br>I suspect it is due to some error msg shown on the start up of eric4 :<br>
<br>dexen@dexen-laptop2:~$ eric<br>Warning: translation file 'qt_en_SG'could not be loaded.<br>Using default.<br>Warning: translation file 'eric4_en_SG'could not be loaded.<br>Using default.<br>Warning: translation file 'qscintilla_en_SG'could not be loaded.<br>
Using default.<br><br>How can I solve this error and enable the autocompletion ? <br><br>thanks <br>kianwee<br><br>