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In the module qtext.py I am getting the following error
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages/eric3/eric3.py", line 20, in ?
import Preferences
File "Preferences/__init__.py", line 24, in ?
File "/usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages/qtext.py", line 29, in ?
import libqtextc
ImportError: libqscintilla.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
I went in and commented out the lines
# from qtext import QextScintilla
# print 'Sorry, please install QScintilla and/or reinstall'
# print 'PyQt with QScintilla support.'
# sys.exit(1)
from install.py in eric-3.1 just to see if it would compile and what sort of error i would get when I ran eric. I did this because It kept failing here and giving me Sorry please install QScintilla error.
I have installed Qscintilla,SIP and PyQt from the latest development snapshots.
First off where is libqtextc supposed to be.
Second why is it failing to the line from qtext import QextScintilla since I have the qtext module installed.
I followed the instructions in the ReadMe files to the letter. I have tried this both with dll and staticlib configuration on Qscintilla install.
I have Qt 3.0.5 installed on my redhat 8.0 system.