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<p>When disconnecting a signal from a python slot, if the connection has not already been made, it produces the error: 'RuntimeError: Slot hasn't been connected'. However, QObject.disconnect gives a boolean result on success/failure. So is this error really necessary? (With unconnected qt slots, disconnect just returns false).</p>
<p>Also, given that PYSIGNAL has been removed from PyQt4, would it now make sense to support the full SIGNAL/SLOT syntax for python member functions? That is, if MyCustomClass emits a "stuffHappened" signal, should it be possible to connect it to MyCustomClass.handleStuff() like this:</p>
<p>        self.connect(self, QtCore.SIGNAL("stuffHappened"),</p>
<p>                 self, QtCore.SLOT("handleStuff"))</p>
<p>This syntax isn't all sugar. It's also more flexible if the receiver object and the slot can be passed independantly. </p>
<p>-- </p>
<p>Baz Walter</p>