Hi all,<br><br>Am using PyQt.I want my window not to be resized or moved, so in the Qt docs , i have been instructed to use setWindowFlags.My application is a QWizard application.Below you can find the code,<br><br>******************************************
<br>from qt import *<br>from YoperInstaller import *<br>import sys<br><br>def main(args):<br> app=QApplication(args)<br> win=YoperInstaller(app)<br> app.setMainWidget(win)<br> app.setWindowFlags(app.FramelessWindowHint
) ===> doesnt work :(<br> win.show()<br> app.exec_loop()<br> <br>if __name__ == "__main__":<br> main(sys.argv)<br>*********************************************<br clear="all"><br>The YoperInstaller is the GUI Module(QWizard).The setWindowFlags doesnt work.
<br><br>I would be happy if anybody could help me .<br><br>And also, what is the function to disable the Max,Min and Close Button in the Top Window?<br><br>Thanks in advance.<br><br>-- <br>Regards,<br>Chaks,<br>Yoper Ltd.
<br><a href="http://www.yoper.com">http://www.yoper.com</a><br><a href="http://www.yoper.com/forum">http://www.yoper.com/forum</a><br>--<br>The main aim of communication is clarity and simplicity. Simplicity means focussed effort.