Hi to everybody,<br>I am a beginner in python and qt so, I said, why not to start from PyQt?<br>So I installed sip 4.4.1 and pyqt 3.16 on my Suse 10.0 64bit with python 2.4.1 and qt3-3.3.5-36 (python and qt from SuSE's rpm repository)
<br><br>After spending some days with QT Designer and Python's tutorials I began to work on my first application, a sms client. Among the others widgets, I used a QListView to manage an addressbook, taking ispiration from a similar example in the pyqt source package. But I discovered that the
addressbook.py example doesn't work properly: in particular the 'save' function to store in a text file the content of the ListView. When I click 'Save' in the File menu, the first time it doesn't create the text file I choose in the FileDialog; if I click a second time on File->Save it creates the text file but it's empty. I tried also to use the ListViewItemIterator commenting out lines 102-105 and uncommenting lines 100, 106-108, but I get the following error:
<br><br>Traceback (most recent call last):<br> File "addressbook.py", line 431, in fileSave<br> self.view.save( self.filename )<br> File "addressbook.py", line 106, in save<br> for it in it.current
():<br>TypeError: iteration over non-sequence<br><br>The error is in the addressbook.py example or, propably, in my system?<br><br>Thanks a lot for the help and sorry for my, not so good, english, I'm italian.<br><br>Bye, Giuseppe