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<div>I want save my image from file dialogBox I write the following code but I have following error:</div>
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<p>my erroe :</p>
<p> "QImageIO::write: No such image format handler: JPG"</p>
<p>my code :</p>
<p> fileName = qt.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(</p>
<p> "/home",</p>
<p> "Images (*.png *.xpm *.jpg)",</p>
<p> self,</p>
<p> "save file dialog"</p>
<p> "Choose a filename to save under" )</p>
<p> if not fileName.isEmpty():</p>
<p> self.originalPixmap.save(fileName,"JPG")</p>
<p> </p>
<p>why I have this error?I have this error with another image format!</p>
<p>please help me about this error.</p>