Ok, after some feedback from the community and reading I found out more about how the distutils and setuptools libraries.<br><br>Anyone has any preferences over setuptools? (I found the documentation to be very obfuscated in comparison to that of distutils on the official python site)
<br><br>I also found this distutils script (by Thomas Malik or Phil) to package PyKDE, it's a bit old but seems like a good example of what I need to do with my dependencies.<br><a href="http://lists.kde.org/?l=pykde&m=102191945721131&w=2">
http://lists.kde.org/?l=pykde&m=102191945721131&w=2</a><br><br>I also saw that in the case of linux, if you use distutils, you can tell your build script to create binaries for different platforms,<br>so all I need now is to find or write a command that packages my application onto a .deb
<br><br>python setup.py <b>bdist_dpkg</b><br><br>I found this implementation of bdist_dpkg command, but it seems to be very old (Python 1.5.2)<br><a href="http://www.koders.com/python/fidE421A383523C3627503BF8AB7E8027AFBF3D7488.aspx">
http://www.koders.com/python/fidE421A383523C3627503BF8AB7E8027AFBF3D7488.aspx</a><br><br>There's a light at the end of the tunnel, worse comes the worse I'll write something custom to my project to create the deb file right inside of my
setup.py script.<br><br>Thanks.<br><br><br>