Hello,<br><br>I'm a absolute newbie(new to Python and new to Qt). When I run this program:<br><br>#file test2.py<br>from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui<br><br>print 'QtCore.Qt.color1 is', (QtCore.Qt.color1)<br>mono_im = QtGui.QImage(10, 10, QtGui.QImage.Format_Mono)<br>
mono_im.setPixel(5, 5, QtCore.Qt.color1)<br>print 'QtCore.Qt.color1 in pixel is', mono_im.pixel(5, 5)<br clear="all">#EOF<br><br>I got this :<br><br>bash-3.1$ python test2.py<br>QtCore.Qt.color1 is 1<br>QtCore.Qt.color1 in pixel is 4294967295<br>
<br>Could anyone explain how could '1' became '4294967295'? Thanks in advance ;)<br>-- <br>Cheers,<br>Grissiom