<p>Hi, everyone.I have some trouble to use the signals to trigger events QTreeWidget.</p><p>The detailed situation is that:<br></p><p>I want trigger a event by click the left button on the items in treeWidget. I try to use </p>
<p><self.connect(self.treeWidget,SIGNAL("activated()"),self.activedFunction)> to do this, </p><p>the activedFunction doesn't work.</p><p></p><p>Now, I use < self.connect(self.treeWidget,SIGNAL('itemSelectionChanged()'),self.activedFunction)></p>
<p>to do this, the activedFunction can be actived. </p><p></p><p>However, if I want to store the item which is selected into a local variable, how this activedFunction should be defined?</p><p></p><p>Thanks</p><p>Lee</p>