Hi all, I just joined the mailing list although I've been browsing the archives occasionally for quite some time.<br><br>I already hold a PyQT3 license through owning a copy of Blackadder, the now basically defunct Python/QT IDE from TheKompany. There's no way i could conceivably afford a full commercial QT3 license for my extremely modest purposes, but Blackadder gave a cheap way to get a QT3/PyQT3 license for only a little more than a PyQT3 license on it's own. Blackadder itself is old, clunky and largely non-functional but I only bought it for the licenses.<br>
<br>I am in negotiations for a small programming job, it's a spare-time project for me and I only expect to make one or two thousand pounds out of it at most. I will very happily cough up for a commercial PyQT4 license if the project goes ahead because I'm doing it for the fun of it not realy the money and PyQT will make the job easier and more fun to do.<br>
<br>Having said all that, there are still a number of reasons why I would love to see PyQT4 go the LGPL route. One of the main ones is that I would like to be able to offer the option of user-written scripts for this project. That's not possible for a commercial PyQT project because that makes all the users developers. In this specific case I can work around it by offering some customization through config files, but it's still a significant limitation and it's unusual to be in a situation where a free application can actualy have a significant feature that a commercial version couldn't have - paying money to get less, in a way.<br>
<br>Simon Hibbs<br><br>