Hi Guys,<br><br>I recently compiled in 2 computers, latest stable sip, as well PyQt4.5.1 and when i try to export the .ui file i get segfault:<br><br>pyuic4 main.ui -o ../ui_main.py<br>Fallo de segmentación (Segmentation Fault)<br>
<br>dmesg says:<br><br>python[31039]: segfault at 6ea01026 ip b7f3c5eb sp bfdb783c error 4 in <a href="http://libc-2.9.so">libc-2.9.so</a>[b7ec5000+15c000]<br><br clear="all">Using Kubuntu Jaunty, compiled agaist python2.6.x, Qt4.5.x<br>
<br>Cheers.<br><br>-- <br>Gustavo A. DÃaz<br>GDNet Projects<br><a href="http://www.gdnet.com.ar">www.gdnet.com.ar</a><br>