Hello everyone! <br> We are trying to use QAssistant to show the help without success. <br> We have implemented a class that looks like ... <br><i><br><font size="2">from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui, QtAssistant <br>class MainWindow(QtGui.QMainWindow, Ui_qto_main_window):<br>
def __init__(self): <br> .... <br> self.qto_assistant = QtAssistant.QAssistantClient('') <br> qto_args = QtCore.QStringList(QtCore.QString (QtCore.QLatin1String("-profile /tmp/test.adp"))) <br>
self.qto_assistant.setArguments(qto_args) <br> ... <br> self.__connect_slots() <br><br> def __connect_slots(self): <br> ... <br> self.connect(self.qto_action_help, QtCore.SIGNAL("triggered ()"), self.__help_slot) <br>
<br> def __help_slot(self): <br> self.qto_assistant.showPage('/tmp/doc/index.html') </font></i><br><br> When we invoke the help, nothing happens. And we have also tried, with the same result: <br><i><br>
def __help_slot(self): <br> #Forget about self.qto_assistant attribute <br> qto_process = QtCore.QProcess(self) <br> qto_args = QtCore.QStringList("-collectionFile /tmp/test.qch -enableRemoteControl") <br>
qto_process.start('assistant', qto_args) <br> if not qto_process.waitForStarted(): <br> return </i><br><br> What is happing? How can we solve it? <br> Thanks in advance.<br>