Hi all, <br><br><br> I've been writing an app which displays sequences of images, and allows for the selection of regions of interest in them.<br>Display/playback works like a charm, basically I use a QGraphicsScene/View setup with a QGraphicsPixmapItem in the scene, <br>
which is then updated upon receiving the timeout signal of a timer. Pretty basic stuff.<br><br> Now for selection: one approach would be to subclass either the QGraphicsView or the QGraphicsPixmapItem, overload the mouse <br>
events, get the selection coordinates from that for further use and put a QGraphicsRectItem on the scene on top of the selection. <br><br>Now, I noticed that QGraphicsView already has rubberband selection implemented: when I set the View's DragMode to <br>
QGraphicsView.RubberBandDrag, I get a nice rubberband rectangle when I drag the mouse across the View. My problem here is<br>that I can't seem to figure out how to access the selection coordinates of that rectangle. Is there some way of accessing this data?<br>
There doesn't seem to be any getDragSelection( ) or some such function, but then how does this work? Do I need to get it from the <br>underlying QGraphicsScene object? Help would be appreciated.<br><br>Thanks,<br><br>
<br>-- <br>Alex Borghgraef<br>