I have made a very simple browser using Qwebview in PyQt. Now i want to package it as an installer to distribute it. I have tried out py2exe. But after i do the command:
<div><br></div><div>python setup.py py2exe</div><div><br></div><div>and then try and run the .exe file created, i get an error, "no module named sip found". please help me where am i going wrong. My setup.py code is as follows:</div>
<div><br></div><div><div>from distutils.core import setup</div><div><br></div><div>setup(name = "Aura Browser",</div><div> version = "0.1",</div><div> description = "A tiny Web Browser",</div>
<div> author = "Anshul kumar Jain",</div><div> author_email = "<a href="mailto:anshul@seeta.in">anshul@seeta.in</a>",</div><div> url = "<a href="http://seeta.in/j/team.html">http://seeta.in/j/team.html</a>",</div>
<div> packages = [""],</div><div> data_files = [("browser/images", ["images/back.png",</div><div> "images/home.png",</div><div> "images/reload.png",</div>
<div> "images/next.png",</div><div> "images/stop.png",])]</div><div> )</div><div><br></div><div>the code has 'browser.py' as main file and a Qt python class file 'httpWidget.py'</div>
<div><br></div><div>Please help me sort out the problem.</div><div><br></div><div>Thanks</div></div>