<br><font size=3><br></font><br><font size=3>A while back, I had asked the group how I could implement
a numeical sort on a TableWidget.</font><br><font size=3>Someone kindly showed me how to implement a model, associated
with a TableView. The sample code was posted here: </font><a href=http://diotavelli.net/PyQtWiki/Sorting%20numbers%20in%20columns target=_blank><font size=3 color=blue><u>http://diotavelli.net/PyQtWiki/Sorting%20numbers%20in%20columns</u></font></a><br><font size=3> </font><br><font size=3>I'm having problems implementing this in my app. In this
simple example, I use Qt Designer to create a MainForm containing a TableView
(gridView), a LineEdit (queryBox) and a PushButton (runQueryBtn).</font><br><font size=3>The designer files (.ui and ui_xxx.py) generated defines
the TableView in a couple of lines - I have not used the Designer to change
any of the default object properties.</font><br><font size=3> </font><br><font size=3>The problem I have is that the TableView remains
blank. I do not understand what I'm missing, as I tried to follow the same
workflow as provided by the code linked-to above..</font><br><font size=3>The code works, in that the data I want to display is
retrieved from a database and I receive no runtime warnings or errors.</font><br><font size=3> </font><br><font size=3>Any help is greatly appreciated... this is probably one
of those simple newbie errors.</font><br><font size=3> </font><br><font size=3>My application shell is as follows:</font><br><font size=3> </font><br><font size=3><i>import os<br>import platform<br>import sys<br>import locale<br>import random</i></font><br><font size=3><i>from PyQt4.QtCore import *<br>from PyQt4.QtGui import *<br>from PyQt4.QtSql import *<br>from ui_SortedTableView import *</i></font><br><font size=3> </font><br><font size=3><b><i>class NumberSortModel(QSortFilterProxyModel): </i></b></font><br><font size=3><b><i> def lessThan(self, left, right):<br> lvalue = left.data().toDouble()[0]<br> rvalue = right.data().toDouble()[0]<br> return lvalue < rvalue</i></b></font><br><font size=3><b><i><br>class AppShell(QMainWindow,Ui_MainWindow):<br> def __init__(self,parent=None):<br> super(AppShell,self).__init__(parent)<br> self.setupUi(self)<br> self.updateUi()</i></b></font><br><font size=3> </font><br><font size=3><i> def updateUi(self):<br> self.connect(self.runQuerybtn,SIGNAL("clicked()"),self.runQuerySlot)<br> #setup the grid:<br> #self.gridView.setMinimumSize(1000,600)<br> self.queryBox.setText("Select
Issuer, Cusip, Holding From Bonds Where Holding> 1000")<br> #fill grid with initial data
set:<br> self.runQuery()</i></font><br><font size=3> </font><br><font size=3><i> def runQuerySlot(self):<br> #run query with current sql
string input:<br> self.runQuery()</i></font><br><font size=3><i>##<br> def runQuery(self):<br> self.query = self.queryBox.text()<br> self.updateGrid()</i></font><br><font size=3> </font><br><font size=3><i> <b>def updateGrid(self):</i></b></font><br><font size=3><b><i><br> data = self.getData()<br> <br> proxy = NumberSortModel()<br> <br> self.gridView.setSortingEnabled(False)<br> print len(data), len(data[0])<br> model = QStandardItemModel(len(data),len(data[0]))<br> # model = QStandardItemModel(15,5)</i></b></font><br><font size=3><b><i> <br> r = -1<br> for row in data:<br> r=r+1<br> c=-1<br> for
col in row:<br>
item = QStandardItem()<br>
model.setItem(r,c,item)<br> <br> #retrieve headings from the
fields in the Select query (does not work for 'Select * ' queries)<br> querystring = str(self.query)<br> querystring=querystring.upper()<br> cut1 = querystring.find("SELECT
")+5<br> cut2 = querystring.find("FROM")<br> labels = querystring[cut1+1:cut2].split(",")</i></b></font><br><font size=3><b><i> <br> for i in range(len(labels)):<br>
proxy.setHeaderData(i,Qt.Horizontal, QVariant(str(labels[i])))</i></b></font><br><font size=3><b><i> <br> proxy.setSourceModel(model)<br><br> self.gridView.setModel(proxy)<br> self.gridView.setSortingEnabled(True)</i></b><i><br> <br> def getData(self):<br> ........ this retrieves data
from a database and fills a List ('datatable'). Each list item is itself
a list of size 3.....<br> return datatable<br> <br> </i></font><br><font size=3><b><i>if __name__=="__main__":<br> import sys<br> app = QApplication(sys.argv)<br> form=AppShell()<br> form.show()<br> app.exec_()</i></b><br> </font><br><br><BR>
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