I've successfully installed SIP and PyQt on a mac running snow leopard<br>using the following commands (courtesy of <a href="http://www.expobrain.net/2010/06/22/install-pyqt4-in-snow-leopard">http://www.expobrain.net/2010/06/22/install-pyqt4-in-snow-leopard</a>):<br>
<p><code>Within SIP<br>
$ python configure.py -n --arch=i386 -s MacOSX10.6.sdk<br>
$ make<br>
$ sudo make install<br>
Within PyQt4:<br></p><code>
$ export QTDIR=/Developer/Applications/Qt<br>
$ python configure.py --use-arch=i386<br>
$ make<br>
$ sudo make install</code><br><br>When I run Python, I can import PyQt4. However pyuic4 is not installed as far as I can tell as I get the error message:<br><br>-bash: pyuic4: command not found<br><br>when I try to convert a .ui into a .py file. <br>
<br>I edited my .bash_profile as I previously had another version of Python and this is what it currently is:<br><br># set path to be default mac python (2.6)<br>PATH="/Library/usr/bin/python:${PATH}"<br>export PATH<br>
<br>test -r /sw/bin/init.sh && . /sw/bin/init.sh<br><br># The orginal version is saved in .bash_profile.pysave<br>PYTHONPATH="/Users/david/Apps/PyQt-4.7.3:${PYTHONPATH}"<br>export PYTHONPATH<br><br># Setting PATH for MacPython<br>
# The orginal version is saved in .bash_profile.pysave<br>PYTHONPATH="/Users/david/Dropbox/qgis_scratch:${PYTHONPATH}"<br>export PYTHONPATH<br><br>Do I need to change a path setting for pyuic4 to work? I previously had pyuic4 and PyQt working on Python 2.5 before reinstalling everything on python 2.6.1<br>