Hi,<br><br>I tried to add/edit records using QSqlTableModel and QTableView. The QSqlTableModel is initialized as: self.model = QSqlTableModel(self), self.model.setTable(table), where table is a database, self.model.setHeaderData(ID, ....).....; the QTableView is initialized as self.view = QTableView(self), self.view.setModel(self.model). The addRecord function is as:<br>
row = self.model.rowCount()<br>self.model.insertRow(row)<br>index = self.model.index(row, 1)<br>self.view.setCurrentIndex(index)<br>self.view.edit(index)<br><br>The code doesn't work as expected. It shows that index was invalid. I found that the self.model has 1 row and 0 column. I don't understand why the model has 0 column. Can someone give any suggestions?<br>