Hi, I am currently having problems with closing a database (SQLite) connection.<br><br>The database and driver's lastError is:<br>"unable to close due to unfinalised statements Error closing database"<br><br>
I am not sure what this really means or what I should be doing to get the connection to close properly.<br>I am using sqlite3 3.6.22 and pyqt 4.7.2.<br clear="all"><br>My test code is here:<br><a href="http://pastebin.com/q8ZsBQcL" target="_blank">http://pastebin.com/q8ZsBQcL</a><br>
<a href="http://pastebin.com/VgjRggy7" target="_blank">http://pastebin.com/VgjRggy7</a><br><br>There database is something simple like, <br><br>CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tempEarnings
<br> EmployerId TEXT NOT NULL,
<br> EmployeeId TEXT NOT NULL,
<br> Surname TEXT,
<br> FirstName TEXT,
<br> COL01 REAL,
<br> COL02 REAL,
<br> COL03 REAL,
<br> COL04 REAL,
<br> PRIMARY KEY(EmployerId, EmployeeId)
<br><br>Insert a few rows to work with.<br><br>Hope this helps.<br><br>Regards, Louis.<br><br>-- <br>Louis Cordier <br>cell: <a href="tel:%2B27721472305" value="+27721472305" target="_blank">+27721472305</a><br>