<div dir="ltr">There is a possible bug when trying to use <b><i>QAxContainer.QAxWidget</i></b>, <i><b>QtGui.QGraphicsOpacityEffect</b></i> and <i><b>QtCore.QPropertyAnimation</b></i> in the same application.<br><br>This happens when trying to animate a widget's opacity (creating a "fade out" effect).<br>
The animation won't update correctly if a QAxWidget is present somewhere in the same window.<br>The bug can be seen here: <a href="http://itayb.hostzi.com/eventloop_doesnt_update.avi">http://itayb.hostzi.com/eventloop_doesnt_update.avi</a><br>
<br>A test case that causes the weird behavior is attached.<br><br>Thanks!<br></div>