so far I came up with this script<br><br>i am not sure why it is not giving me desired result<br><br><br><b></b>
<form action="http://fb/a/headlineanimator/install" method="get" accept-charset="utf-8" target="_blank" onsubmit="return window.confirm("You are submitting information to an external page.\nAre you sure?");">
<p style="background-image:url("/fb/lib/images/icons/chameleon_red/add.gif")">
<b> def changePriority(self,*args):<br> crntRow = self.listWidget.currentRow()<br> total=self.listWidget.count()<br><br> print "Total no. of items %s, and selected item number is %s"%(total,crntRow)<br>
if args[0]=='up':<br> if crntRow > 0 :<br> crntItem= self.listWidget.takeItem(crntRow)<br> self.listWidget.insertItem(crntRow+1,crntItem)<br> if args[0]=='down':<br>
if crntRow + 1 < total:<br> crntItem=self.listWidget.takeItem(crntRow)<br> sel.listWidget.insertItem(crntRow-1,crntItem)<br> else: print "This is the last item cannot move down further."<br>
</b></p></form>what is wrong , instead of moving up it gets removed...<br>