[Eric] fixme / debug / todo on bookmarks; task-viewer

Ezequiel Panepucci epanepucci at gmail.com
Wed Aug 9 09:43:37 BST 2006


Version: Eric 3.9.1 on Ubuntu 6.01 (updated ad nauseum)

I have a few suggestions for Eric which by the is fantastic:

 - a toggle button to show tasks related only
   to the currently active file

Dynamic Bookmarks:

   These would be sub-menus on the bookmarks menu for user specified

   These should be updated dynamically and should contain hits only
   for the currently active editing tab.

   I could then specify a label for the sub-menu and the regexp
   that would trigger the line to be included in the sub-menu.

  The regexp could include a group that would be used as the menu

    Target line: 'some code: #fixme I should make this more robust'
    Label: FIXME
    Regexp: r'.*#fixme *(.{0,20})'
    Results in  'Bookmarks -> FIXME -> 'Line 200: I should make this m'

    Target lines: 'def somefunc()'
    Target lines: '    def someotherfunc()'
    Label: Definitions
    Regexp: r'^\s*def *([^\s(]*)'
    Results in all function definitions

Would these be feasible with a plugin?

Cheers and thanks for the great IDE.


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