[Eric] Ideas for eric4

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Thu Dec 7 19:18:49 GMT 2006

On 07.12.06 19:48:30, Detlev Offenbach wrote:
> > 2. Toolbars are cluttered. I think there are too many things on the
> > toolbars and there are too many toolbars active by default. A way to
> > customize the contents of the toolbars would be really cool, but I guess
> > thats not really straight-forward with Qt-only.
> Do you know of a tool like this?

KDE but thats not really a tool is it ;) Or Qt's designer, you can
drag&drop actions there, which is basically the same.

> > 3. Related to the above, the context menu is cluttered too. There are
> > too many things in there. It has 2 columns here with a 1050 resolution.
> Which one are you talking about?

Oops, I mean for an empty file.

> > And last but not least one bug: Splitting the view and then closing the
> > lower one with Ctrl+W doesn't remove the split (I only have 1 document
> > per view open)
> Ctrl+W closes the editor. Question: Should a split be removed if it's last 
> editor is closed?

I would expect that, else its not really clear where a new file would be
opened. This problem also has to do with the fact that there's no real
focus information in Qt4 tabs (sth. that is being worked on, but I'm not
sure if at Qt or just KDE level).


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