*** GMX Spamverdacht *** Re: [Eric] hide Ui_* in list

Carles Pina i Estany carles at pina.cat
Mon Jan 15 17:12:01 GMT 2007


On Jan/15/2007, Detlev Offenbach wrote:

> > > The Project Viewer window is there to do more than just show, which files
> > > belong to the project. For example, you are using it to manage your files
> > > in the version control system, your repository. I suppose everybody is
> > > using something like this. Therefore it is not user-friendly to hide any
> > > file, because otherwise, it would be excluded from these actions (except
> > > you always e.g. commit on the project level).
> >
> > I disagree, its common to hide "generated" files from the project view
> > in modern IDE's. The reason is that those files need not be touched by
> > the user. For the python code generated from .ui files I don't see a
> > reason to move the files around or to put this into a version control
> > system. The only thing where it makes sense to have the project
> > management system know about such generated files is when creating a
> > tarball or some other package from the project for distribution.
> >
> > At least an option to hide generated files would be really cool in
> > erci4.
> Ok, I implemented this option (the default is off). But use it on your own 
> risk.

good Detlev!

Just one more comment (late, because you have already done it): I am
sure that it was hard to explain to new users to Linux and Pyqt
something like "there is your files, and some automatic generated files,
in the same list. But don't modify the automatic generated files! you
will lose your changes!!". Now is more clear. And even for me, things
that I don't need in screen is better to be out :-)

So, one more time, thanks Detlev :-)

Carles Pina i Estany		GPG id: 0x8CBDAE64
	http://pinux.info	Manresa - Barcelona

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