[Eric] Re: eric3: hitting ESC from incremental search field
Jürgen Urner
jUrner at arcor.de
Sun Jul 29 01:42:19 BST 2007
Detlev Offenbach wrote:
> On Freitag, 27. Juli 2007, Alan Ezust wrote:
>> Just a small comment. I keep hitting <ESC> when I have found what I
>> wanted in the incremental search and it jumps the cursor back to where
>> I started the i-search.
>> Twould be nice if it would just leave the textfield and give focus to
>> editor pane, leaving cursor at the last found search.
> What you want is done by hitting Return. Esc means escape or abort and jumps
> back to the original position. Return means "That is the position I was
> looking for."
> Regards,
> Detlev
Maybe a bit unintuitive. Usually Return means "start doing whatever".
And Escape
"stop right now". "Go back to where I started" sounds a bit like a "hit
F12 key"
feature to me.
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