[Eric] Installation trouble on Windows XP SP2

Peter Bradley P.Bradley at dsl.pipex.com
Wed Jun 13 18:08:42 BST 2007

Ysgrifennodd Laurent Dufréchou:
> So that works now?
> have you done this?:
> **********************************************************
>    Python Bindings
> The Python bindings are in the |Python| directory. You must have 
> either PyQt v3 or v4 already installed. QScintilla must also already 
> be built and installed.
> The configure, build and install the bindings, run:
>    python configure.py
>    make
>    make install
> On Windows (and depending on the compiler you are using) you may need 
> to run |nmake| rather than |make|.
> By default the bindings will be built for PyQt v4 if it is installed. 
> If not, they will be built against PyQt v3. If you have both installed 
> and want to build against PyQt v3 then pass |-p 3| as an argument to 
> |configure.py|.
> |configure.py| supports a number of other arguments. Pass |-h| to 
> display a list of the supported arguments.
> ***********************************************************
> From a previous mail in the list:
>           1. Install Qt4
>           2. Build and install sip
>           3. Build and install QScintilla2
>           4. Build and install 
> PyQt4                                      <-- PyQT must be built AFTER
>           5. Build and install QScintilla2 Python bindings <-- don't 
> you forget this?
>           6. Install eric4
> Laurent
Yes, I did Laurent.  Sorry, I must have missed the previous mail.  I'll 
have a go later tonight


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