[Eric] Eric 4.0.0 windows QT tools problem

Laurent Dufréchou Laurent.Dufrechou at free.fr
Wed Jun 13 18:48:30 BST 2007

Detlev Offenbach a écrit :
> On Montag, 11. Juni 2007, Laurent Dufréchou wrote:
>> Hi Detlev,
>> I've installed QT 4.3.0 from qt-win-opensource-4.3.0-mingw.exe.
>> sip 4.6, qscintilla 1.73-gpl-2.1, and PyQt-win-gpl-4.2
>> the last three have been compiled by hand...
>> Here is my qmake.conf with my modif, if you want to compare...
>> was in E:\Qt\4.3.0\mkspecs\default\
>> A strange thing is that file wasn't checked in
>> E:\Qt\4.3.0\mkspecs\default\win32-g++
>> ?? well perhaps it's ok, anyway the problem would have been the same :)
>> Laurent
>> Detlev Offenbach a écrit :
>>> On Montag, 11. Juni 2007, Laurent Bonny wrote:
>>>> Hi every one,
>>>> I can confirm what the other laurent said. To install Eric4 on windows,
>>>> you have to add a line in qmake.conf
>>> Did you try to install the Qt4 executable installer (like
>>> qt-win-opensource-4.3.0-mingw.exe)? I am using this and it worked without
>>> problems. However, I compiled PyQt, sip and QScintilla2 myself because
>>> the installers usually are missing the pyqtconfig.py file.
>>>> In the same way I was unable to make everything work without compiling
>>>> myself PyQT, SIP and qscintilla (the exe package you can download for
>>>> PyQT doesn't seems to be recognize by Qscintilla2, and through it
>>>> Eric4). I know this should be a message sent on Qscintilla list, but I
>>>> though this could be usefull too for futur Eric4 windiws users.
>>>> Keep up the good work, and thanks for your great work
>>>> Laurent
>>>> 2007/6/10, Detlev Offenbach <detlev at die-offenbachs.de>:
>>>>> On Donnerstag, 7. Juni 2007, Laurent Dufréchou wrote:
>>>>>> Hello Detlev,
>>>>>> I've just tried your last 4.0.0 eric release. That was a bit hard
>>>>>> (under windows) but finally it works!
>>>>>> (I had to add 'QMAKE_CFLAGS_THREAD =' in qmake.conf(!).)
>>>>>> I'm trying to naviguate around the menu and I've found a bug.
>>>>>> Well... don't know if it's a bug, perhaps a misuse of the GUI...
>>>>>> If i want to launch designer via Extras/Tools/Designer... I've got
>>>>>> this message:
>>>>>> Window title: Process Generation Error
>>>>>> Text: Could not start Qt-Designer.
>>>>>> Ensure that it is available as bin\designer.exe
>>>>>> The fact is that designer.exe is in my path variable and also I've set
>>>>>> QT4DIR to e:\QT\4.3.0\ (i've also tried e:\QT\4.3.0\bin). No way to
>>>>>> make it launch designer...
>>>>>> :(
>>>>>> Moreover at work, I've selected Export Qt4 Directory entered above in
>>>>>> preferences/QT menu and the application won't start anymore.
>>>>>> I've launch eric4-config.bat and hopefully it restored the
>>>>>> situation!<- Is this OK?
>>>>>> Any idea on how to make tools work under windows??
>>>>> That is a bug on win32. It will be fixed in the next release. If you
>>>>> have Qt3
>>>>> installed next to Qt4, should have two designer actions/menu entries.
>>>>> One for
>>>>> the Qt4 variant and one for the Qt3 one. However, due to the bug in
>>>>> UserInterface.py, the Qt4 related designer action is not generated.
>>>>> This just
>>>>> happens on win32.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Detlev
>>>>> --
>>>>> Detlev Offenbach
>>>>> detlev at die-offenbachs.de
>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> Eric mailing list
>>>>> Eric at riverbankcomputing.com
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>>> Detlev
> Hi,
> in my Qt 4.2.3 installation qmake.conf of the default directory has this entry
> Regards,
> Detlev

So perhaps it is better for me to write the -mthreads option ;) in the 
fiel and recompile eric!!


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