[Eric] Installation trouble on Windows XP SP2

Peter p.bradley at dsl.pipex.com
Wed Jun 13 21:51:46 BST 2007

Ysgrifennodd Phil Thompsone:
> It's a matter of timing. There hasn't been a new release of PyQt4 since the 
> release of QScintilla2. The next release of the PyQt4 installer will include 
> QScintilla2 so there will be no need to build anything in order to install 
> eric.
> Phil
Thanks Phil.  Any idea when that will be?  I might try again at that point.

You might also be interested to note that the PyQt4 download site says
(in respect of the binary packages):

"Binary Packages
Note that these binary packages do not include Qt.
Also note that the these binary packages also include SIP and (where
supported) QScintilla."

This is one of the things that misled me.  Or that the inclusion you
talk about has, in fact, already happened but doesn't work??



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