[Eric] Simplified installation?

Phil Thompson phil at riverbankcomputing.com
Tue Jun 19 10:00:59 BST 2007

On Tuesday 19 June 2007 8:31 am, techtonik wrote:
> Hello.
> What makes Eric so unpopular is the absence of all-in-one installer. Some
> of Eric prerequisites are not available for Windows platform in compiled
> form (QScintilla, PyQT). QScintilla is distributed in source form only
> requiring additional dependencies like SIP to be built. PyQT has binaries,
> but they are for Python 2.5 only, so the same compilation problem is
> actual. That means you have to download MinGW, gcc and maybe other packages
> required for compilation. You can easily spend an hour or even two manually
> installing Eric - searching for required files, compiling dependencies and
> loooking for workarounds for common problems, such as "ImportError: No
> module named sipconfig". I do not mind when J2EE monster takes two hours to
> complete the installation, because at least it makes it in a background.
> Right now I doubt that Eric installation is possible at all on Windows.
> There is only one version of QSintilla component available from official
> site and it's of version 2.1 that is claimed to be API incompatible with
> 2.0 required for Eric.
> For most of the users, who just want a convenient Python editor this
> installation procedure is overwhelming. I wonder what makes it so hard to
> redistribute a complete binary installer for windows built for Pythons 2.4
> and 2.5?

Please read recent posts on the subject.


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