[Eric] Annoying message

Linos info at linos.es
Mon Nov 12 17:34:56 GMT 2007

I am using svn (not pysvn) and yes it is connected to this problem, i can see red the status ball in the lower
right corner but svn status works ok, i have not had any problem with svn in this project.

Christof Hanke escribió:
> Linos wrote:
>> Hello,
>>      i have a window that opens every half hour or so that says me:
>> Information:
>> QProcess: Destroyed while process is still running.
>> I have unchecked the checkbox below the message that says ("show this
>> message other time", well this is my
>> spanish-english traduction so i think it will be different), i see
>> this message many times every day and i
>> dont know how to stop it doing, anyone knows how to do please?
> I see this as well, but not as often. I believe it is connected to using
> SVN, since everytime this message pops up, the status ball in the lower
> right corner is red and when you put the mouse pointer over it, the
> tooltip says "failed to check svn status" or something like that.
> I don't know if using pysvn helps, or if you are actually using it, but
> it might be interesting to know if you're using SVN when seeing that and
> if it is connected to a failing "svn status" command.
> BR,
> T/Christof

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