[Eric] Re: ImportsDiagram issues

Jurgis Pralgauskis jurgis.pralgauskis at gmail.com
Mon Oct 15 17:43:51 BST 2007

hello again,

I found the responsible method is

* I dindnt trace it, but as I guess,
it doesn't count subpackages or outsidepackages...
maybe someone could propose a quick hack for it :)

* still I can't figure out, why it doesn't show any associations for me
though there are really some (even if I change from
"import myproject.mypackage.moduleA"
to "import moduleA")
but it does show associations for Graphics.ImportsDiagram :/

I could try debuging/tracing, but
can I trace the work of eric itself? with an open project?
or maybe I could just call ImportsDiagram package with arguments some easy way?

again thanks in advance

ps.: I use contect menu, by selecting package dir and choosing
Diagrams -> Imports Diagram

> > The project I am doint is with  http://turbogears.org/
> > it has predefined structure: controllers, model and templates in separate
> > dirs model and controllers are packages. I'd like to watch their
> > interdependencies, if I ask for imports diagram on parent package, it
> > doesn't go deeper into model and controllers - where might be the problem?
> Eric scans all relevant files for import statements and assembles the import
> diagram from this info. The result depends on the menu used to activate this
> action.

Jurgis Pralgauskis
mob.: 865-765-656, +37061677613; skype: dz0rdzas;
Don't worry, be happy :) and make things better ;)

reikalaukime ATVIRŲ ir nepriklausomų STANDARTŲ:

Jurgis Pralgauskis
mob.: 865-765-656, +37061677613; skype: dz0rdzas;
Don't worry, be happy :) and make things better ;)

reikalaukime ATVIRŲ ir nepriklausomų STANDARTŲ:

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