[Eric] signals and slots on pyqt4

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Thu Oct 25 14:32:43 BST 2007

On 25.10.07 10:54:03, Flavio Coelho wrote:
> Hi,
> I am porting an app from pyqt3 to pyqt4 but my signals are, apparently being
> ignores instead of being sent to the appropriate slots. Here is my
> connection code:
> QtCore.QObject.connect(self.editButton,QtCore.SIGNAL("released()"),
> self.editScript)
> Any Idea why this is happening?

Usually  you'd use the clicked() signal instead of the released()

Anyway, you can check wether the connection succeeded by checking the
return value of connect() and also by watching the console output of
your application, if the connection fails then QObject will output a
message saying so including some hints as to why it failed.

Apart from that you'd need to post a minimal working example that
reproduces the problem, from the line above I can't see anything wrong.


PS: And this is actually the wrong list, PyQt4 questions should be
directed to pyqt <at> riverbank...

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