[Eric] Eric4 on Windows

Petr Jakeš petr.jakes at tpc.cz
Sun Sep 30 11:30:34 BST 2007


I have installed the PyQt-Py2.5-gpl-4.3.1-1.exe binary package on my Win XP SP2 machine.
The "Show external tools" command did not show any tool. To solve that I decided to add "C:\Python25" path to the Windows PATH wariable. 
(for dummies like me: http://vlaurie.com/computers2/Articles/environment.htm). 

After restarting Eric4, almost all external tools were detected. 
BUT: Version Control - CVS, Version Control - Subversion, Version Control - Subversion (Python) are still not available. 

Thanks for your help.

Petr Jakeš

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