[Eric] Eric 4.2.0 Debug Console Command Prefs

Tim Rue eric3seas at abstractionphysics.net
Sun Aug 10 22:11:46 BST 2008

Old subject, new eric4

Tim Rue wrote:
> Detlev Offenbach wrote:
>> [snip]
>> I just tested it and it works over here. What I did was:
>> 1. On Debugger->General (Page 2) enabled "Start debugger in console 
>> window".
>> 2. On same page entered "konsole -e" in "Console Command".
>> Note: The redirection checkbox is irrelevant in this situation.
>> Regards,
>> Detlev
> For the Mailing list.
> This works and allows starting eric4 from the menu as an "application" 
> rather than an "application in a terminal."
> Konsole is of course a KDE based application. So for use on Gnome 
> based Ubuntu there is KDE overhead to load.
> Detlev got me started , as I did not understand possible Console 
> Commands.
> Now I have it set up with Console Commands using the lower overhead 
> xterm:
> xterm -rv -bc -fn '-*-courier-bold-r-normal--*-130-*-*-*-*-*-*' 
> -geometry 80x10+280+1000 -e
> see x(7) man page for details of above options and the xterm man page 
> for the "-e" option
> Thanks Detlev, I like it as it gives me the ability to better optimize 
> my dev space.
> Tim

Detlev, when I select the "Start Debugger in console window" in eric 
4.2.0 the option to enter the command line to use, remains ghosted out.


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