[Eric] Configuring eric4

Detlev Offenbach detlev at die-offenbachs.de
Tue Dec 30 11:18:22 GMT 2008

Hi Colin,

please try the following. In UserInterface.py in method __designer (around 
line 3700) find these statements.

        if sys.platform == "win32":
            designer = designer + '.exe'

Please add this code after the lines.

        elif sys.platform == "???":	# Enter Mac OS X platform name darwin?
            designer = designer + '.app'

Please report your results.


On Montag, 29. Dezember 2008, Colin McPhail wrote:
> On 29 Dec 2008, at 10:37, Detlev Offenbach wrote:
> >> ...
> >> The QT designer application is installed as /Developer/Applications/
> >> Qt/
> >> Designer.app on Mac OS X.  Designer.app is a Mac OS X  'package' (a
> >> folder, really).  Inside the package is an executable called
> >> Designer.  I have created a hard link  to it in ~/bin called designer
> >> (lower-case 'd') and now eric4 can find it OK.  It would be nice to
> >> be
> >> able to configure eric4  to find the installed executable, though.
> >
> > eric4 uses several executables of the Qt4 package. These are:
> >
> > - designer
> > - linguist
> > - assistant
> > - lrelease
> >
> > eric4 expects these executables in the search path, which is set via
> > the
> > environment variable PATH (at least on *nix and Win* systems). How
> > is this
> > accomplished on Mac OS X? Is it standard, that the executables have an
> > uppercase first letter?
> >
> > Unfortunately I don't own a Mac, so I need support in this area.
> I'm not too knowledgeable about Mac OS X conventions but I've poked
> about and here's what I've discovered:
> (a) Somewhat to my surprise I find that the default MAC OS X file-
> system is case-insensitive, so there is no problem about that.
> (b) The Mac OS X install of Qt creates an installation directory
> (e.g.  /usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.4.3 ) with a bin subdirectory in
> which reside all the executable files.  Assuming your users put this
> subdirectory on their PATH then eric4 will find the plain executables
> such as lrelease, lupdate, qmake, uic, etc.
> (c) Assistant, Designer and Linguist also live in this subdirectory
> but as packages (full name Designer.app, etc).
> (d) There is a standard command 'open' (man page text attached) that
> can be used to execute packages.  It requires the package's full path
> however, it won't find the package just because it is held in a
> directory on the PATH.  Perhaps eric4 could find lrelease on the PATH,
> extract the directory path and use it to construct 'open' commands for
> Designer.app, Assistant.app and Linguist.app?
> What I've done for now is to export a shell variable QTDIR in
> my .bashrc and to have a set of single-line shell scripts in ~/bin
> called designer, linguist and assistant that just open $QTDIR/bin/
> Designer.app, etc.
> Hope this helps.  Let me know if you need more information.
> Regards,
> -- Colin

Detlev Offenbach
detlev at die-offenbachs.de

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