[Eric] eric 4.1.0 and APIs

Martin Höfling martin.hoefling at gmx.de
Tue Feb 5 12:21:34 GMT 2008

Hi all,

is it possible that there's a bug within the api display in the new version?

I am packaging eric 4.1.0 atm for ubuntu/debian and api-files go into a 
seperate package.

After patching install.py I get a eric4config.py

martin at orthanc:~$ cat /usr/share/eric/modules/eric4config.py
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This module contains the configuration of the individual eric4 installation

_pkg_config = {
    'ericDir'              : r'/usr/share/eric/modules',
    'ericPixDir'           : r'/usr/share/eric/pixmaps',
    'ericIconDir'          : r'/usr/share/eric/icons',
    'ericDTDDir'           : r'/usr/share/eric/DTDs',
    'ericCSSDir'           : r'/usr/share/eric/CSSs',
    'ericStylesDir'        : r'/usr/share/eric/Styles',
    'ericDocDir'           : r'/usr/share/doc/eric',
    'ericExamplesDir'      : r'/usr/share/doc/eric/Examples',
    'ericTranslationsDir'  : r'/usr/share/qt4/translations',
    'ericTemplatesDir'     : r'/usr/share/eric/DesignerTemplates',
    'ericCodeTemplatesDir' : r'/usr/share/eric/CodeTemplates',
    'ericOthersDir'        : r'/usr/share/eric',
    'bindir'               : r'/usr/bin',
    'mdir'                 : r'/usr/share/eric/modules',
    'apidir'               : r'/usr/share/eric/APIs',
    'apis'                 : 
['QScintilla2.api', 'zope-3.3.1.api', 'pyqt.api', '                             
python.api', 'wxaddons.api', 'tubogears1.0.api', 'Python-2.5.api', 'django.api', 'zope-2.10.5.api', 'Python-2.4.api', 'eric4.api', 'wxPython-2.8.api'],

while ...
martin at orthanc:~$ ls  /usr/share/eric/APIs/
django.api  pyqt.api        Python-2.5.api  QScintilla2.api   wxaddons.api      
eric4.api   Python-2.4.api  python.api      tubogears1.0.api  wxPython-2.8.api  

Means all of them are present. If i go to options->APIs and select python, 
three apis are shown (eric4.api is nonexistent). If i select "add from 
installed APIs?" (von installierten APIs hinzufügen in german) i can only 
select 3 (QScintilla python-2.4 and 2.5).

Any Idea what I am missing?


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