[Eric] QWebKit/eric 4

Jaime Seuma jaims.seuma at gmail.com
Wed Jun 11 13:20:34 BST 2008


I've been implementing a small webbrowser based in QtWebKit, in C++.
It' works ok, I wanted to give it a try using python/eric.
QtWebKit has been added to qt library base in the 4.4.0 release, afaik.

I had compiled it in my pc. this stuff:

When I try to execute a python script that imports the stuff needed, 
this line:
'from QtWebKit.QWebView import QWebView'

raises a except:
"No module named QtWekKit.QWebView"

What do u think? Should I dismiss my current installs of pyqt, etc and 
download more recent version?
Does anyone have a clue on this particular subject?

Thanx in advance


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