[Eric] New Rope code completion not working

aaa121 at hushmail.com aaa121 at hushmail.com
Thu Jun 12 19:22:27 BST 2008

Hi all,
I'm a newbie Eric user
I'm looking forward to try the new Eric code completion through 
Rope but it doesn't work for me :-(

First I tried installing Eric through Ubuntu 8.04 but the Eric 
version was not sufficient. So I installed Eric version 4.1.5 
(r2207) manually, then I installed the new Rope plugin 1.1.0-
snapshot-20080519 by unpacking the tar.gz and then pointing Eric to 
the zipfile that was inside it. I hope it is the correct 
procedure... The plugin appears correctly in Plugin Details.

The Rope Refactoring menu works and the actions actually work (at 
least I have tested Rename), however I don't see any code 
completion, it works like with the native code completion. E.g. I 
make a simple project with 1 file, the file is this:
class Foo:
  def fun(self):
    return 3
f = Foo()
f.  <---- Nothing pops up here, not even on ctrl-space or other key 
combinations. This is supposed to work, isn't it?

I see this post on the Internet
archive.com/eric at riverbankcomputing.com/msg00896.html
which mentions enabling it from 

 Settings/Refactoring (Rope)/Enable Autocompletion

however I cannot find this menu!?!? I don't have a "Refactoring" 
menu within the (top-level) "Settings" menu and I cannot find any 
"Autocompletion" word within the top-level "Refactoring" menu from 
Rope (I have disable bicycle man refactoring plugin to avoid 

Another symptom is that when I install the Rope plugin in Eric, 
.pyc files are created for every .py file of the plugin, however, 
if I delete all .pyc files within the plugin installed directory, 
and then I start again Eric, MOST .py files get a new fresh 
corresponding .pyc file EXCEPT the CodeAssist.py which doesn't get 
any .pyc, which means that the CodeAssist python module is NOT 
loaded / not used!?!

Please note that a few External Programs are not yet correctly 
configured/installed on my computer, but I don't think this is the 
problem. This is what is not installed:
- Nothing installed of QT3
- CORBA IDL compiler
- Forms compiler QT4
- Designer QT4
- Resource Compiler python/ruby QT4
- Translation Converter QT4
- Translation Extractor QT4
- pysvn

Thanks for your help

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