[Eric] debugging

Detlev Offenbach detlev at die-offenbachs.de
Mon Jun 23 18:42:28 BST 2008

On Montag, 23. Juni 2008, Lee Connell wrote:
> Detlev,
> While running a project, eric4 found an issue and raised the error with a
> dialog box describing this error.  I hit ok and i have a red line where the
> error occurred.  Now I want to analyze the code but i also want to refer
> back to the error message, how do I do that?  

Just have a look in the exception viewer, whcih is a tab of the debug viewer 

> shouldn't these things be 
> reported in stderr or stdout? Redirect stdin, out and error are checked to
> redirect to eric4. I see stdout being redirected to the python console
> however.

stdout and stderr is used by tools started from within eric4 (like pylupdate, 
lrelease, ...).

>  Also is there a way to setup the start/debug script dialogs so there is no
> need to see them anymore for a specific project?

You'll see the dialog the first time you run/debug/... a file or project. 
Thereafter you may use the restart action. If you save a project session, the 
current debug data is stored in the session file (next to some other things).

> thanks!

Detlev Offenbach
detlev at die-offenbachs.de

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