[Eric] features again :)

Detlev Offenbach detlev at die-offenbachs.de
Wed Jun 25 17:53:06 BST 2008

On Dienstag, 24. Juni 2008, Lee Connell wrote:
> would it be possible to implement a "highlight current line" option so you
> can see where you're cursor is in your code, this would also be handy when
> you double click a method/class in the symbol browser, as it would
> highlight that particular part of the code.

That is already there. In eric 4.2 snapshots you have to enable the "Caretline 
visible" option on the Editor->Style (Part 1) page.

> when using the templates, the replacement text you use for $VAR$ allows you
> to enter multiple lines for the value, this prevents the use of just simply
> hitting "enter" when you've filled in your data, "shift" + "enter" doesn't
> work either, you have to hit "alt" + "o", just causes your hands to move
> off the home keys and gets annoying.  Could it be possible to keep "shift"
> + "enter" to go to a new line and allow "enter" to accept your value and
> close the dialog?

That would be unintuitive. Enter always moves to the next line in a multiline 
text edit.

Detlev Offenbach
detlev at die-offenbachs.de

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