[Eric] debug Django project

Luca Sturaro luca.sturaro at fastwebnet.it
Wed Mar 5 12:56:24 GMT 2008

I've upgraded eric4 to 4.4.1 version in order to see Django Project features.
I've tried to debug my project but I get a ValueError exception when it loads
environment variables.
In particular, it seems not to work for some sys.path problem; then I've added
my project path to sys.path runtime (I've added '' value too) but it doesn't
seem to work anyway.
I always start to run/debug manage.py with "runserver --noreload" argument.
Can you suggest me a solution please?
has eric a different sys.path?
My configuration is : Ubuntu 7.10 - Python 2.5 - Django 0.96 (Django is in
Thanx a lot   

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