[Eric] Re: ui_ or Ui_

F.A. Pinkse fapinkse at gmail.com
Sun May 4 11:57:22 BST 2008

Hello Detlev,

In folder and files names Windows is case preserving but not case sensitive.

You can see this when Eric compiles a .ui file with the ui_ already present.

Eric also inserts a Ui_ entry in the project source list although it is 
the ui_ file.


F.A. Pinkse wrote:
> Hello Detlev,
> Thank you for your answer.
> If it is known behavior then is ok with me.
> Frans.
> Detlev Offenbach wrote:
>> On Donnerstag, 1. Mai 2008, F.A. Pinkse wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> Why does Eric compile .ui files to Ui_xxx.py files while MakePyQt does
>>> that to ui_?
>> eric4 does this to have the module name identical to the class name.
>>> Do I have control over this?
>> No. However, if there is a strong demand, I could make this a 
>> configuration option.
>>> With best regards,
>>> Frans.
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>> Regards,
>> Detlev

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