[Eric] Git VCS for Eric4?

Detlev Offenbach detlev at die-offenbachs.de
Sat Oct 18 10:18:26 BST 2008

On Samstag, 18. Oktober 2008, Robert Withrow wrote:
> Has anyone gotten Eric4 to work with Git?  I assume this would be
> another VcsPlugin.  Judging from the code volume in, say, the PySVN
> plugin this is no minor undertaking...
> $ wc -l PluginVcsPySvn.py VcsPlugins/vcsPySvn/*.py
> ...
> 10283 total
> I see there is GitPython: http://blog.michaeltrier.com/2008/5/8/gitpython.
> BTW, I'd like to add my "me too" to the existence of a public repo for
> Eric4.  Would make creating branches for things like a Git plugin a
> little easier...

For making a new plugin, e.g a GIT plugin, there is no need to create a 
branch. Plugins can be coded separate from eric4. See the CVS plugin as an 
example. The plugins included in eric4 are so called core-plugins. Once a GIT 
plugin is available (maybe done by you) I am more than happy to include it in 
the plugin repository.

Once there are enough people who want to contribute core code, I might open my 
Subversion repository to individual people.

Detlev Offenbach
detlev at die-offenbachs.de

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