[Eric] Why does Rope sometimes not find a definition?

OldGrantonian oldgrantonian at googlemail.com
Fri Oct 31 10:00:49 GMT 2008

The Rope plugin finds the vast majority of definitions. Sometimes a
definition is not found, and I'm trying to understand why. Please remember
that I'm not a Python expert.

Here are some lines from a file:

. . . from mnemosyne.pyqt_ui.plugin import *
. . . main_widget = get_main_widget()
. . . main_widget.helpMenu.insertItem("Hello there", hi)

Highlight "get_main_widget"
Select Refactoring > Query > Find Definition

Rope finds the definition for "get_main_widget" in the file, "plugin.py".
That's OK.

Now here is definition that I cannot find, from the same example above:

Highlight "helpMenu"
Select Refactoring > Query > Find Definition

Message:  "No matching definition found."

However, in the file, "main_frm.py", there is the following definition:

class MainFrm(QMainWindow):
    def __init__(self,parent = None,name = None,fl = 0):
        self.helpMenu = QPopupMenu(self)

The file "main_frm.py" is in the same directory as the file "plugin.py"

Why does Rope find definitions in "plugin.py", but not in "main_frm.py"?
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