[Eric] Won't start - translation file error

Alex Mandel tech_dev at wildintellect.com
Fri Oct 31 18:19:23 GMT 2008

Detlev Offenbach wrote:
> On Freitag, 31. Oktober 2008, Alex Mandel wrote:
>> Eric won't start for me, getting the following error, which I've noticed
>> posts about many times in the past and no real answer.
>> Warning: translation file 'qt_en_US'could not be loaded.
>> Using default.
>> Warning: translation file 'eric4_en_US'could not be loaded.
>> Using default.
>> Warning: translation file 'qscintilla_en_US'could not be loaded.
>> Using default.
> That can be ignored. It is just telling you, that the translation for your 
> locale is not available. In that case, eric4 will use the built-in default, 
> which is some kind of English.
>> -Splash screen is hung on "Generating Main User Interface"
>> I upgraded from ubuntu 8.04 to 8.10 today and eric stopped working. So I
>>   unistalled the version in the repos and tried installing 4.2.2a and
>> the latest snapshot doing a complete remove including the .config/eric
>> and .eric4 folder.
> Some version infos could help. What is going on, when eric hangs? Is CPU usage 
> at 100% (-> endless loop)? You could try to debug it using print statements 
> at various places in UserInterface.py.
> Regards,
> Detlev

Looks like it hangs at(based on print statement debug)
# Create the main window now so that we can connect QActions to it.
in the UserInterface.py
Yes CPU appears to be in an endless loop.

This is using the eric4-4.3-snapshot-20081019
I have the dependencies listed on
Version Numbers:
   Python 2.5.2
   Qt 4.4.3
   PyQt4 4.4.3
   sip 4.7.7
   QScintilla 2.2
   eric4 4.3-snapshot-20081019 (r2598)

It was working with eric4.1.1
based on theses dependancies

It's possible there's a bug in one of the ubuntu packages and if I can 
identify that I'll take the issue up with them.


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