[Eric] Set Breakpoint

Albert Zeyer albert.zeyer at rwth-aachen.de
Sat Sep 13 15:38:19 BST 2008


When I set a breakpoint (I click next to a line number), I get the  
following error:


An unhandled exception occurred. Please report the problem using the  
error reporting dialog or via email to <eric4-bugs at die-offenbachs.de>.  
A log has been written to "/Users/az/.eric4/eric4_error.log".

Error information:
2008-09-13, 16:36:20
<type 'exceptions.RuntimeError'>:
underlying C/C++ object has been deleted
File "/Library/Python/2.5/site-packages/eric4/QScintilla/Editor.py",  
line 1162, in __addBreakPoints
self.newBreakpointWithProperties(line, (cond, temp, enabled,  
File "/Library/Python/2.5/site-packages/eric4/QScintilla/Editor.py",  
line 1198, in newBreakpointWithProperties
handle = self.markerAdd(line-1, marker)

Version Numbers:
Python 2.5.1
Qt 4.4.1
PyQt4 4.4.3
sip 4.7.7
QScintilla 2.2
eric4 4.2.1 (r2426)

Platform: darwin
2.5.1 (r251:54863, Apr 15 2008, 22:57:26)
[GCC 4.0.1 (Apple Inc. build 5465)]


It works though, the breakpoint is there and the debugger also stops  
at the line.



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