[Eric] Editor

Albert Zeyer albert.zeyer at rwth-aachen.de
Sat Sep 13 15:42:21 BST 2008


Yes, that solved all these issues. I didn't looked at this option  
before. I now selected the same font as in the Editor styles there  
(Courier that is) and it looks all correct now.

Perhaps it should always automatically take the same font+fontsize as  
you have selected in the Editor styles?

But I am happy so far. :)


Am 13.09.2008 um 16:36 schrieb Detlev Offenbach:

> Hi,
> all these problems may be related to the fact, that a lexer is used to
> highlight the code (e.g. for Python). The lexer style (e.g. font) is
> configured on the Editor->Highlighters->Styles page of the  
> configuration
> dialog. If you don't have a monospaced font configured in there, you  
> may
> observe these strange behaviors. The default font is only used for  
> editors
> not associated with a lexer.
> Regards,
> Detlev
> On Samstag, 13. September 2008, Albert Zeyer wrote:
>> Hi,
>> There are multiple problems in the editor (probably that's all
>> QScintilla).
>> (Again, my environment is Eric 4.2.1 (r2426) on MacOSX with Python
>> 2.5.1.)
>> 1st: I set the tab with size to 4 characters under options (and I
>> activated monospace font per default). When I press tab in the editor
>> (I selected "use tabs for indent"), the tab is not 4 characters long
>> (or at least it does not seem to be that long; it seem to be about
>> 1.75 characters long). Perhaps the font size used for the tab is
>> different than for the rest of the code? How can I change that?  
>> When I
>> disable the "use tabs for ident" and I press tab, it inserts 4 spaces
>> which also look like 4 spaces. Therefore it only seems to be a  
>> problem
>> with the tab character (or how it is displayed).
>> 2nd: When I press enter somewhere in the code, it tries to use the
>> same identation as the line above (which is what I want). Though, it
>> often fails and the identation is different. (I am not sure if I can
>> attach any images to the mail. I will therefore write another mail
>> where I attach a screenshot.)
>> 3rd: The font size of brackets ("()") is smaller than the rest. This
>> looks a bit strange when I insert a bracket. I press "(" and it
>> automatically inserts the ")". The input is then between the "(" and
>> ")", though it looks on the screen if the input would be behind the
>> ")". (Look at the screenshot.)
>> Regards,
>> Albert
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> -- 
> Detlev Offenbach
> detlev at die-offenbachs.de

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