[Eric] Can't find definition using Rope

OldGrantonian oldgrantonian at googlemail.com
Mon Apr 20 10:17:22 BST 2009

I had very brief experience of Eric a couple of years ago. I now want to use
it again.

I want to use Rope to find the definition of insertItem in the following

main_widget.helpMenu.insertItem("Hello world",self.hi,0,666)

I highlight "insertItem" and click Refactoring > Query > Find Definition

I get the message: "No matching definition found"

However, I know that there are several definitions for "insertItem" in

Here is how I set up for Rope:

1)  Settings > Preferences > Editor > APIs

2)  Language = Python

3)  Browse to:


and other locations

4)  Click "Add"

5)  Click "Compile APIs"

6)  Refactoring > Utilities > Analyze all modules

Am I doing something wrong?
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