[Eric] eric and vim softtabstop

Milos Prudek prudek at bvx.cz
Thu Aug 13 17:46:25 BST 2009


I use vim 7 but I would like to start using eric.

Unfortunately eric displays my source files with wrong indentation. This is 
probably because vim uses tabs to "compress" indentation.

I use this .vimrc setting:
set softtabstop=2
set shiftwidth=2
set foldmethod=indent
set autoindent

I use eric 4.1.1 (Ubuntu 8.04 LTS). 

My Preferences-Editor-General settings: Tab width: 2 Indentation width: 2

- add expandtab to .vimrc
- open each source python file in vim
- type :retab
- save each source python file

Can Eric be set so that the workaround is not needed?

Milos Prudek

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