[Eric] Request for proposal

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Mon Dec 21 10:51:40 GMT 2009

On 21.12.09 10:54:47, detlev wrote:
> On Montag, 21. Dezember 2009, Stephan Neunreither wrote:
> > ext detlev wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > I would like to plan the next steps for eric4 development and would like
> > > to ask the community. Here are the choices.
> > >
> > > 1. Port eric4 to Python3 (resulting in eric5; that may take some time)
> > > 2. Create a Mercurila VCS plugin (could be done by a volunteer as well)
> > > 3. Create a GIT VCS plugin (could be done by a volunteer as well)
> > > 4. Give a suggestion
> > >
> > > My vote goes to option 1.
> > >
> > > Regards,
> > > Detlev
> > 
> > Hi Detlev,
> > 
> > I vote for  option 1 - the Python 3 port.
> > Second preference from the list would be a GIT plug in as Qt uses it.
> > 
> > Additionally I would opt for a closer tie-in of Qt tools.
> I would like to do that as well. Unfortunately the Qt-Designer parts don't 
> have a public API. Therefore they are not wrapped by PyQt4. If I am wrong, 
> please let me know.

Basically you're right and wrong :) While the designer library does expose
all symbols needed to integrate some of the designers core components into
an application, there's one private header file needed so you can use the
respective declarations in your own (C++) code. There's a proof-of-concept
plugin for KDevelop4 that uses a copy of this non-installed header file to
integrate most parts of the standalone designer into KDevelop4.

So in theory it should be possible to write the necessary sip-files using a
copy of this header file. Obviously it would be cool if someone could
convince the Qt team to make it official public API and install it... 


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