[Eric] Request for proposal

Michele Petrazzo - Unipex michele.petrazzo at unipex.it
Thu Dec 24 10:56:33 GMT 2009

detlev wrote:
> Hi,


> I would like to plan the next steps for eric4 development and would like to
> ask the community. Here are the choices.

My proposal aren't into you four points, but why not ask? :)

Can be a simple a good feature at the same time to create a 
"pyinstaller" configuration/wizard for automatic compilation and binary 
creation on linux/windows.
More or less like "translation", so the developer can:
1) configure where the binary output will be saved
2) the two or three major options of pyinstaller
3) in global preferences set the pyinstaller path and above two or three 

For example, a simple pyinstaller execution script, on windows, can be:

c:\Python26\python.exe $pyinstaller_path$\Makespec.py -w -F -o 
$dir_output$ $dir_main_script$\main.py
c:\Python26\python.exe $pyinstaller_path$\Build.py $dir_output$\main.spec

And for linux, the same.

If this idea looks like a good one, I can help you for write the code. 
You have only to say me where put the options and/or the code.


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